Send BTC via WhatsApp

Send BTC via WhatsApp

btc on whats-up

Bitcoin News: Send BTC, LTC and ETH via WhatsApp

WhatsApp users can now send and receive Bitcoin (BTC) over the popular messaging platform using the bots. It is the first successful attempt to send crypto currencies via WhatsApp. BTC, LTC and ETH transactions should also be possible for the mainstream without any problems.

Send Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum (ETH) via WhatsApp

In a tweet released by Zulu Republic on Sunday, the digital platform announced that they had released for WhatsApp. This allows users to send and receive Bitcoin via WhatsApp.

All users need to do is add the Lite to the WhatsApp bot and follow the instructions on the screen. Works similarly with bots on Telegram. In addition to sending and receiving Bitcoin and Litecoin, there are many other options for the user.

The service also makes it possible to earn additional crypto currencies for recruiting new users. The user can pre-select his default coin, preferred language and password.

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Send BTC via WhatsApp
Send BTC via WhatsApp

Currently, the two standard languages are English and Spanish. The service also supports sending and receiving Ethereum (ETH) and Zulu Republic Token (ZTX) – the native token on the Zulu Republic platform.

Bitcoin and crypto currencies to be made available to the mainstream

Sending Bitcoin and other crypto currencies over a well-known messaging service brings a certain simplicity to the entire process of sending and receiving cryptos. What is to be implemented by Facebook itself in the future can already be used with the Bot More and more alternatives are coming onto the market, especially for technically less experienced people. has already released similar services for Facebook Messenger, Telegram and SMS.


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