Adamant Capital – Bitcoin In Heavy Accumulation

Adamant Capital – Bitcoin In Heavy Accumulation

Adamant crypto

Bitcoin in Heavy Accumulation

We pride ourselves in having published our 2012 and 2015 Bitcoin reports during what we perceived as periods of significant undervaluation. Each report was issued when Bitcoin was down more than 80% from all-time highs.

Now, at 75% below its 2017 all-time high, we believe the current bear market represents an exceptional opportunity for value investors. During this accumulation phase, we expect for Bitcoin to trade in a range of $3,000 to $6,500, until the new bull market permanently cements the denarian cryptocurrency as a multi-trillion dollar asset class.

Some highlights of this report:

• Blockchain analysis suggests Bitcoin whales are now accumulating

• Significant parallels with the 2014-15 bear market have emerged

• HODLers almost break-even, with est. aggregate losses of $3 billion

• Recent volatility lows suggest retail apathy, market bottoming

• Demand shocks still possible from exchange hacks, miner capitulation

• Bitcoin’s secular bull market is supported by strong fundamentals

You can download the report here.

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